Monday, March 31, 2014

Rare Golden Headphones

Hey Jammers! Today's rare Monday item is located at Epic Wonders!
There is also a new post about the headphones on The Daily Explorer!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Hey Jammers! The new item, the milkshake hat is located at the silly party, I couldn't attend it to get the picture however.

Anyhow, there is also a new video at the Sarepia theater.

Lastly, there is a new post from The Daily Explorer!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

AJ Academy- The Moon

Hey Jammers! There doesn't seem to be anything new, the cheese hat was added to the silly part yesturday. The post before this post shows the items at the silly party. Anyways, there is 2 new posts from The Daily Explorer!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Do Octopus Have Teeth?

Hey Jammers! There is a new video at the Aquarium theater.

Here are the items that are at the April Fools party.

There is also a new post from The Daily Explorer.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Treasure Map

Hey Jammers! Today's new den item, the treasure map, is located at Sunken Treasures shop!
There are also 2 new posts from The Daily Explorer.

One of them says there is a new code, called "thanks" it will get you an imprisoned phantom!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Fossilized Shark Tooth

Hey Jammers! Today's new clothing item, the fossilized shark tooth is located at Bahari Bargains.
There is a new video at Brady's Theater. I thought they were worms at first.

Lastly, there are also 2 new posts from The Daily Explorer.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Table With Orb

Hey Jammers! Today's new den item, the table with orb is located at Jam Mart Furniture.
There is also a new post from The Daily Explorer.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Rare Shark Fin

Hey Jammers! Today's rare Monday item, the rare shark fin is located at Jam Mart Clothing! It's also for non-members! I'd buy one, it's quite adorable, however that's just me.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Rustic Hanging Lamps

Hey Jammers! Today's new den item, the rustic hanging lamps, are located at Outback Imports.
There is also a new post from The Daily Explorer!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Nesting Peck Doll

Hey Jammers! Today's new den item, the nesting peck dolls are located at Epic Wonders!
There is also a new video located at the Aquarium theater.

Lastly, there are two new posts from The Daily Explorer!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Sailor Hat

Hey Jammers! Today's new returning clothing item, the sailor hat is located at Bahari Bargains!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Pile of Treasure

Hey Jammers! Today's new item, a pile of treasure is located at the Sunken Treasures shop!
There is also a new adventure called "The Search for Greely".
There are also 2 new videos, one in Sarepia Theater, and one in Brady's theater.

Pandas are now endangered so it will be quite a while until they return.

April Fool's Day is almost here! A party is going to come soon along with some wacky new items!
The game Pill bugs is also 2x gems. Lastly there are 2 new posts from The Daily Explorer!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Pirate Chest

Hey Jammers! Today's new den item the pirate chest is located at Jam Mart Furniture.
There is also a new video in the Sarepia theater.
Lastly there is a new post from The Daily Explorer!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Jester Hat

Hey Jammers! Today's new returning clothing item, the jester hat is in Jam Mart Clothing.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Rare Lucky Tuxedo

Hey Jammers! Today's new rare Monday item, the rare lucky tuxedo is located at Jam Mart Clothing.
There is also a new post from The Daily Explorer!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Clover Balloon

Hey Jammers! Today's new returning item the clover balloon is located at Jam Mart Clothing!
There is also a new video in the Aquarium theater!

Lastly, there is a new post from The Daily Explorer.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Clover Skirt and Graham Nesting Dolls

Hey Jammers! Today's new item is located at Bahari Bargains shop!
There is also a new den item in Epic Wonders! It's a Graham nesting doll.

Lastly, there is a post from The Daily Explorer.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Clover Earmuffs

Hey Jammers! Today's new returning item the clover earmuffs are located at Jam Mart Clothing.
There is also a new video in Brady's Theater.
There is also a new post from The Daily Explorer!